Monday, September 22, 2008

Work starts from brain but finishes at your heart

Have you ever thought whether you work from brain or your heart? Tough question to answer though but think again and find the answer.

I will give you a small hint. Suppose, someone told you to google and research on a particular topic, the work starts with your brain mapping all the keywords required for the search. Have you ever realized that you stop searching until your heart says, yes heart. The experience you gain trains your heart or the hearty side of your brain to stop searching as you feel that the search has been saturated.

Quickness or brain is required in today's era, but youngsters fail to gain experience or heart which plays an important role.

Was There Big Bang..........Who created first particle......who created the creator?

I would like to answer in my way of understanding.

1) Was there Big Bang?
Yes there was a big bang. Still 2% the remains of heat and sound of big bang have been traced by two scientist in US by detecting heat and sound in all directions and taking the intersection which was not governed by any law of physics.

Everyone knows the fact that galaxies are drifting away proving that there was a singular matrix of matter called the big bang. Putting Heisenberg's Uncertainty principle in the boundary conditions of that matter prove a massive explosion at a rate greater than speed of light.

2) God? The first fundamental particle of big bang, Higgs Boson (Science Nomenclature) or the god particle is god according to me.

3) How did Boson particle come into Existance?

A tough question to answer as well as tough to answer in a way people understand it. Let's ask ourselves first that all the matter we see must have come from somewhere, tonnes and tonnes of mass. Was that boson particle too massive. Conservation of mass is not a complete story but conservation of mass and energy makes it complete. There was energy around the boson particle which interacted and still keeps on interacting.

4) Where did energy come from?
Energy doesn't come from anywhere. It is present and always fascinates the humans, be it gush of sound in midnight from the window scaring someone or motion of big galaxies around the world.

5) Biggest question is not WHAT WAS THE START. It is WHAT IS THE END OF UNIVERSE.

According to me the boundary of universe is not where matter ends but where energy ends. As we know energy cannot end anywhere, thus scientist say that energy is wrapped forming the shape of universe to be wrapped.

6) Is science anti-religious or vica versa?

Science believe in ghostly powers just like religion believes in atoms and energy. The single word to describe anything and everything is 'ENERGY' and thanks to Aristotle for coining this fabulous word.

I hope it suffices 5% of your queries and if it does so, i will be grateful to my answer.